Our Committees

On this page you will find a listing of our standing committee chairpersons, by the committee on which they serve and direct, as well as a brief description of the committee's function.

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Executive Committee


Michael Whang, DDS

It is the duty of this committee to:

a. supervise the work of the Executive Director;

b. review the agenda for meetings of the Board of Directors;

c. act in liaison between this Society and the State Association;

d. make recommendations on matters referred to it as well as matters it initiates.


Antelope Valley Liaison


Gib Snow, DDS

While not a committee per se, this liaison position is crucial to the efforts of the San Fernando Valley Dental Society to include members from the Antelope Valley area of our component jurisdiction in all society events, information available and benefits. The liaison acts as the society's representative in the Antelope Valley and coordinates society activities such as local CE meetings, donated dental services to children and adults, and member socials.

By-laws Committee


Mark Amundsen, DDS

The Bylaws Committee reports to the Board of Directors all proposed amendments to the Bylaws, with its recommendations for approval or disapproval.

Whenever any question of interpretation of the Bylaws shall be raised, it shall be referred to the Bylaws Committee in writing. The committee shall consider the question and give its decision in writing. The interpretation made on the decision shall govern until the disputed Bylaw is redrafted and has been approved by the general membership as an amendment to the Bylaws.


Council on Dental Health


Irubiel Barbosa, DDS

The Council on Dental Health is charged with the responsibility of maintaining a comprehensive program of dental health education for the community in which SFVDS members practice. This committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning public service programs that will increase the volunteer involvement of the membership in the San Fernando Valley Dental Society component jurisdiction's community health programs. This committee also supervises activities and formulates policies and procedures that will advance the society's public relations and approves all dental health education materials released to the public in the name of or identified with the San Fernando Valley Dental Society. The committee will also act in liaison with local, state and governmental agencies, and private entities in the promotion and advancement of dental health.


Dental Care Committee


Myron J. Bromberg, DDS

It is the duty of the Dental Care Committee to:

a. promote the prepaid care policies adopted by the California Dental Association;

b. educate the membership concerning prepaid and governmental care programs;

c. act in liaison with the California Dental Association and other components in prepaid and government care programs.

Ethics Committee


Taline Kotchounian DDS

It is the duty of the Ethics Committee to:

a. Investigate all complaints against members referred to it by the Board of Directors or Secretary and,where possible, resolve them. When an adjustment cannot be made, the committee shall report its findings to the Board of Directors;

b. consider all proposed changes in the Code of Ethics and make recommendations to the Board of Directors;

c. educate the membership on the Code of Ethics;

d. prepare and maintain a written record of the opinion it renders;

e. be guided in its deliberations by the Code of Ethics of the California Dental Association and the Principles of Ethics and Judicial Procedure of the American Dental Association.

Foothills Area Liaison


Marilyn Hopkins, DDS

While also not a committee per se, this liaison position is crucial to the efforts of the San Fernando Valley Dental Society to include members from the Foothills area (Glendale, La Canada, Flintridge, Burbank, etc) of our component jurisdiction in all society events, information available and benefits. The liaison acts as the society's representative in the Foothills area and coordinates society activities such as local CE meetings, donated dental services to children and adults, and member socials.


Legislation Committee


Gilbert H. Snow, DDS

It is the duty of the legislation committee to:

a. keep informed of proposed legislation affecting dentistry and public health;

b. disseminate information to the members of this Society pertaining to legislation which affects thepublic health or practice of dentistry;

c. maintain liaison and cooperate with appropriate legislative bodies of the California DentalAssociation.

Media Relations


Mahfouz Gereis, DDS

This committee's primary responsibility is the opening up and management of media opportunities for the benefit of the society's members. The committee is tasked with the responsibility to publicize SFVDS events and contributions to the oral health of those in the component's jurisdiction. The committee is also responsible for creating and maintaining a speakers bureau, whose members are available as speakers to other community groups, school health fairs, business groups, schoolchildren, etc.




Anette Masters, DDS

It is the duty of this committee to:

a. continuously encourage and stimulate membership of all eligible dentists;

b. process all membership applications and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.

New Professionals


Sean Sakhai, DDS

This committee's responsibility is to insure that those members defined as new professionals (less than 10 years in practice) have their professional needs met by the SFVDS. The coordination of services such as networking opportunities, CE credits, practice management, office permitting under government regulations, office staffing sources, etc are among the services and information this committee is responsible for providing to new dentists.

Screening Committee

Chairperson Vice-Chairperson

Mahfouz Gereis, DMD Chi Leung, DDS

It is the duty of this committee to :

a. Meet at the call of the Chairman as many times as there are elections to be held where the purpose of such election is to choose a member of this Society to serve in any office of this Society or the California Dental Association, to be chosen by this Society.

b. Meet, with at least five (5) days notice to this committee, on a date sufficiently far in advance in this Society with the schedule of the California Dental Association;

c. complete its work at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the election of candidates for the office for which nominations are to be made;

d. nominate candidates for the office of President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, seven (7) members and seven (7) alternate members to the Screening Committee, Zone Directors where such an office will be vacant, Trustee or Trustees to the California Dental Association where such offices will be vacant, Delegates to the California Dental Association House of Delegates where such offices will be vacant, Alternate Delegates to the California Dental Association House of Delegates in the number allotted by the California Dental Association.

Program Committee


Afshin Mazdey, DDS

It is the duty of this committee to arrange the programs for meetings of this Society and supply all necessary facilities for conducting such meetings. The Chairman shall furnish the Editor, for each official publication, such papers and other items of the program, as in his/her judgment, are of interest to the profession.

Strategic Planning Committee


Philomena Oboh, DDS

Chaired by the president-elect of the SFVDS, this committee's responsibility is to insure that the society has developed/adopted and adjusts plans on 1, 2, and 5 year bases. The committee evaluates organizational strengths and weaknesses and considers external opportunities and threats in developing and/or adjusting its overall plans. The plans then are utilized by both committee and staff members to guide their activities within similar time frames.

SFVDS Political Action Committee


Alan Taylor, DDS

This committee is charged with the responsibility of identifying candidates and issues that will come before the voters that the SFVDS should support through independent contributions to the committee by SFVDS members. The committee's primary focus is on county and municipal candidates and issues, leaving statewide and national efforts to the CDA and ADA.


SFVDS Foundation

(Chairperson) President

Michael Whang, DDS

This is actually not a committee of the SFVDS, but rather, is its own 501 (C)(3) organization with the primary responsibility of raising funds and supporting the community service programs of the SFVDS. It has a separate board of directors from the SFVDS, though most members are also members of the SFVDS board of directors as well. As of October, 2010, the application for tax-exempt status with the IRS is pending, with approval expected sometime in late spring, 2011.